I get up very early as usual and I leave to explore the surroundings!
I visit a school and I buy myself a small lunch at 700 ₡ (Costa Rican colón). This is equivalent to $1.40 (CAD). It's a small sandwich with meat inside and an iced tea in a bag...

Today I will leave the city of Liberia in Costa Rica to go to the border by bus.

It's very hot with a mask on the bus!!!
I meet Steven, a 25-year-old student.

We cross the Nicaraguan border together and share a taxi to San Juan del Sur.
Then I will rent a motorbike for only $20 USD per day. I meet Éric, a Quebecer who has been here for only 6 months. He opened his small motorcycle rental business.

Thank you Eric for your very good service!
Finally I attend the most beautiful sunset of my life! WOW!!!

Thanks to life!!!
David Beauchesne
Salut David. J’aimerais savoir :
As tu eux besoin de faire un test COVID pour entrer au Nicaragua
As tu eux a remplir un questionnaire avant d’entrer ( comme au Costa Rica)
De quelle endroit as tu pris ton autobus ( Liberia)
Waw quel beau trip David! Profites en, tu as l’air bien. A bientôt!
Passe du bon temps Dave et sois quand même prudent !